We are investigating the issue to see what can be done about it. We are also seeing a case where this may not fix the issue with the recent influx of new players. We are tracking this issue as sometimes playing other titles on the PS4 before KF2 will result in matchmaking failures.

If attempting to start your own match still produces the same error please try the following steps: If you are experiencing this message, please try widening your filter to other options or using the start new match option. We hope to patch this issue with the next update. We have found a case where a server was taken by another party and never reported back to other users that it was taken by that other party. Recently added: If this is happening to you and you don't find a match within 30 seconds, cancel and try to matchmake again. No Games Found - Matchmaking Failure MATCHMAKING ON PS4 IS Back Up - WE ARE Looking into lingering issues but recommend trying the solutions below.